
Like Japanese Knotweed, Bamboo has strong tall woody stems. In fact, the Scientific name is Bambusoideae. Also, it is known to be the fastest growing plant, and many are aware of the extremely rapid growth that occurs. Especially, when left uncared for. It originates from warm and tropical climates. However, many species can now be found in more diverse climates. We have many calls from clients asking for help as it has become out of control. Although, one way to contain it is to put it in a pot instead. Doing this stops it from spreading along borders and into areas that you don’t want it.

Bamboo Plant Types

Bamboo has two main plant types, Clumping and Running.


Clumping Bamboo grows in big clumps and mainly grows up instead of out. This is the preferred type as you can keep it under control easily and you don’t know have to worry about it spreading.


Running Bamboo is the type of plant that spreads really easily and it the one we have the most calls about. It propagates by the rhizomes spreading and creating new shoots elsewhere. These rhizomes can spread up to 30 metres before sprouting from the ground.

Bamboo Removal

Distinguishing Between Bamboo & Japanese Knotweed

One way to distinguish between Bamboo and Japanese Knotweed is by its leaves. Which, are very slender and long. On the other hand, this is unlike the heart-shaped leaves of Japanese Knotweed. If you compare images of the two, they are quite unlike. However, if you are still unsure, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Interesting Facts About Bamboo

  • It is able to grow very tall. In fact, the tallest plant ever recorded was 130 feet in Europe!
  • Thomas Edison used it to create the first light bulb.
  • It is edible, not just by animals but people too.
  • It produces 35 per cent more oxygen than hardwood trees.

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